Meja Gusti Lengan Solid Gym Tepati WAF Rules

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

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Pegawai-pegawai teknikel PSLNS sedang melakukan kerja pengukuran meja gusti lengan

Persatuan Sukan Lengan Negeri Selangor (PSLNS) telah mengambil langkah proaktif bagi memastikan pihak-pihak yang ingin menganjurkan pertandingan gusti lengan mengikuti piawaian atau standard yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak Persekutuan Sukan Lengan Dunia atau World Armsport Federation (WAF) dengan membuat pemeriksaan ke atas peralatan yang dimilki oleh pihak yang menganjurkan pertandingan gusti lengan..Salah satu peralatan yang penting dalam mengendalikan acara gusti lengan ialah meja gusti lengan.

Permerhatian pihak PSLNS ke atas beberapa pertandingan yang dijalankan oleh pihak tertentu mendapati beberapa pertandingan yang diadakan langsung tidak mengikuti peraturan yang telah ditetapkan terutama dari segi penggunaan meja gusti lengan di mana ada dari mereka hanya menggunakan meja biasa atau meja banquet. Ini sama sekali menyalahi peraturan yang ditetapkan dan dikhuatiri boleh mendatang kecederaan kepada pemain. Begitu juga ada sesetengah pihak yang menggunakan meja gusti lengan namun didapati tidak menepati piawaian dari segi ukuran yang ditetapkan oleh WAF.

Lanjutan daripada itu, pihak PSLNS pada 23 Oktober 2011 yang lalu telah membuat pemeriksaan ke atas dua buah meja milik Solid Gym bagi memastikan samada meja berkenaan menepati piawaian WAF atau tidak. Setelah melakukan pengukuran keatas dua meja berkenaan, pihak PSLNS dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa kedua-dua meja gusti lengan milik Solid Gym telah menepati piawaian yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak WAF.


2.1 Table

Sit down: 28" from floor to top of table.

Stand-up: 40" from floor to top of table.

All other specifications are identical for both sit down and stand-up table tops.
Keputusan : LULUS

2.2 Table Top
- 36" across and 26" deep.
Keputusan : across 38" (lebih 2 inci) LULUS

2.3 Elbow Pads

7"x 7" square shape. 2" thick, made of heavy high quality foam material, covered with a vinyl/rexin type cover. The foam and covering can be attached to a 1/8" metal sheet, 7"x 7" with two threaded bolts 1/4" diameter x 1 3/4" long, welded to the bottom to be able and attach your elbow pads to the table top. A line, either painted, upholstered or taped from hand grip to hand grip to establish center of the table will always be used at WAF tournaments.
Keputusan : LULUS

2.4 Touch Pads

14" long x 4" high. Made of good quality touch pad
Keputusan : LULUS

2.5 Placement

Elbow pads should be set 2" from their respective edge. They should overlap each other by 1/2 to the right of center for a right arm table and overlap each other by 1/2 to the left of center for a left arm table.
Keputusan : LULUS

2..6 Touch Pads

Should be on an angle, 5" out from the inside corner of the elbow pad to the inside corner of the pad and 1/2" from its respective edge measured to the outside corner of the pad. Running at an angle towards the hand peg it should measure 2 3/4" from the hand peg to the outside corner of the touch pad. If it’s for a right arm table, these measurements should be made on the left side of the elbow pad and reversed if it’s a left arm table.
Keputusan : LULUS

2.7 Hand Pegs

Should be placed midway at 13" on each edge of the table, 1" in from the edge.The peg itself should be 1" in diameter and 6" high form the table top.
Keputusan : LULUS

2.8 Seats

They should be 18" square and 18" from floor surface to seat top surface. The front edge should be exactly in line with the table edge. The seat and table should be secured to a platform or floor.
Keputusan : LULUS

2.9 Material

The best material to use is square tubing although tubular steel, flat iron or angle iron may be used, but not more than 2" in diameters or width. The table top and seat top are normally made of 3/4" thick plywood. The table top and seat may have a thin sheet of foam, covered with vinyl/rexin type material to add a comfortable finished look. No plexi-glass or reflective tape is to be used on the table top or seats.

Keputusan : Kecuali The table top and seat may have a thin sheet of foam, covered with vinyl/rexin type material to add a comfortable finished look -LULUS

Keputusan Keseluruhan : LULUS

Persatuan Sukan Lengan Negeri Selangor
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